As soon as the Nokia Lumia 900 was launched on Easter Sunday, April 8, complaints started to pile up, with numerous users reporting problems with data network connectivity. Nokia acknowledged the problem and said it is a memory management issue on the smartphones offered on AT&T. In some cases, this memory issue could lead to a loss of data connectivity. The company insisted that it is an easily fixable software issue, not a hardware issue or a problem with AT&T's network. However, Nokia has consented to give $100 rebate to Lumia 900 and the amount will reflect as credit in the AT&T subscriber's account.
Free Nokia Lumia 900
In light of this glitch, Nokia is making significant efforts to appease disappointed customers. The Finnish phone-maker is now offering a $100 credit to anyone who has purchased or will purchase the Nokia Lumia 900 before the updated, bug-free version of Lumia 900 hits AT&T stores on April 21. With the $100 rebate from Nokia, the smartphone is now basically free.
Users who experienced issues with data network connectivity can update their device with the software fix on or around Monday, April 19, or swap their current Nokia Lumia 900 for an updated version without the glitch.
"We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. As a gesture of good will, every individual who has already purchased a Nokia Lumia 900 - or who will purchase one between now and April 21st - will receive a $100 credit to their AT&T bill.
"We believe the Nokia Lumia 900 is unlike any other smartphone on the market. It represents an exceptional balance of power, ease of use and value, all wrapped in one of the most stylish, striking designs ever. At $99.99 at AT&T, we think the Lumia 900 is already a fantastic deal. And now, it's unbeatable," stated Nokia.
All Bets on the Lumia 900
Nokia and its partners, Microsoft and AT&T, invested a lot of effort and money into the launch of the Nokia Lumia 900, as Nokia relies on it as its comeback vehicle in the U.S. Great expectations have built up ahead of the launch, and it is essential for Nokia that the phone does well. The drastic move to appease customers and fix the issue stands proof of how important the device is to Nokia and to the Windows Phone platform.
"We wanted to send a message that we're not only solving the problem in an expedited fashion, but that we're going above and beyond to not only fix the issue and give you something for your convenience," Chris Weber, head of Nokia's North American business, told Cnet.
Aggressive Approach
Technology companies have acted in various ways to fix glitches with their products. When the whole Antennagate controversy blew up, Apple offered free bumper covers to its customers. Research in Motion (RIM) addresses its issues by giving away free apps and technical support. Underwriting the entire cost of the device, however, is a whole different thing, but Nokia seems determined to do anything to send its Nokia Lumia 900 off to a good start.
(reported by Alexandra Burlacu, edited by Surojit Chatterjee)
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