Research in Motion (RIM) has introduced the new BlackBerry Mini Keyboard, a must-have accessory to enhance the functionality of the PlayBook tablet. The ultra-portable accessory can turn the PlayBook into a netbook for more convenience, as it comes with a convertible case that also serves as a stand for the tablet.

The BlackBerry Mini Keyboard comes with an integrated touchpad in addition to the full QWERTY keyboard, thus enabling users to easily navigate and control the PlayBook. To add even more functionality, when the BlackBerry Mini Keyboard is active the tablet's virtual keyboard will remain hidden, freeing up the entire display of the tablet.

"Whether you're typing email, creating documents, surfing the Web or using other apps, the BlackBerry Mini Keyboard and its integrated carrying case is an ideal accessory," said James Poulton, Advanced Accessories Director.

With this new accessory, PlayBook users can enjoy a new and exciting experience, as the BlackBerry Mini Keyboard offers a range of impressive features to maximize the functionality of the tablet and enhance user experience. And with less than 6mm in thickness and its light weight, the accessory is incredibly convenient and ultra-portable.

Powerful Touchpad

The BlackBerry Mini Keyboard comes with a powerful touchpad, which supports PlayBook gestures and enables users to use gestures similar to the standard mouse and touchpad controls on a laptop or netbook. Just use a single tap to click, a two-finger tap to right-click and a two-finger swipe up and down to scroll vertically.

Secure Data

BlackBerry is widely known for its high security standards, and this accessory is no different. The BlackBerry Mini Keyboard can be connected to a PlayBook tablet via a Bluetooth connection, while a 128-bit encryption ensures that all data shared between the connected devices remains secure.


There is no need to carry an additional charger, as the BlackBerry Mini Keyboard uses the same micro-USB charger as the BlackBerry Playbook, allowing easy and convenient charging. As for battery efficiency, the keyboard battery can last for up to 30 days on a full charge.

Third-Party Apps

RIM's new PlayBook accessory is designed to enhance productivity, and it works with BlackBerry PlayBook 2.0 Messages, Contacts and Calendar apps, as well as Documents to Go. For enterprise users, the BlackBerry Mini Keyboard also supports third-party apps such as Citric Receiver, which allows users to remotely access a virtual Windows desktop through the PlayBook tablet.

(reported by Alexandra Burlacu, edited by Surojit Chatterjee)

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