The recently launched smartphone, Samsung Galaxy C5, is reported to be similar to the US-based technology giant, Apple's iPhone 6 and iPhone 6S smartphone. The reports suggest that the South Korean smartphone manufacturer has unveiled their new device bearing similar design and features as the iPhone 6 like the metallic body structure and fingerprint sensor.

Techno Buffalo reported that the Samsung Galaxy C5 has been made available in four different colors like gold, pink, silver and gray, similar to Apple's iPhone 6. Few reports also suggest that the smartphone would also consist of 32 GB and 64 GB storage options with support for 128 GB micro SD card.

Additionally, it is reported that the Galaxy C5 consists of 5.2-inch full HD AMOLED display with 1080 x 1920 resolution display. The device is also said to be powered by Qualcomm Octacore Snapdragon 617 processor with 4 GB RAM.

With all the reports that the new Samsung Galaxy C5 is similar to iPhone 6 trending all over the internet, NDTV stated one of the differences between the two devices. The publication reported that the price of the new smartphone from Samsung is quite less as compared to iPhone 6. According to the reports, Galaxy C5 has been launched for $366 for 64 GB device in contrast to Apple's iPhone 6 for $649 for 64 GB.

Further, there are reports that the South Korean giant has kept the price of their new Galaxy C5 low in order to regain market share in China as against Apple, Xiaomi, and Huawei. Business Insider reported that Samsung is also planning to create its dominance once again in the Asian markets with its new Galaxy C5 series smartphones and thus, give a tough competition to the iPhone 6 and the upcoming Apple devices.

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