Samsung unveiled the newest stamp-sized PM971-NVMe SSD chip that has a storage capacity of up to 512GB on Tuesday. This new product is rumoured to be purchased by Apple to use along with their upcoming Macbook devices.

According to Apple Insider, the nearly 2.5-inch chip has a combination of "16 48-layer 256-gigabit V-NAND flash chips, a 20-nanometer 4Gb LPDDR4 DRAM chip, and an in-house controller." With the help of Samsung's TurboWrite Technology, the reported sequential read and write speeds reach up to a respective 1,500 megabytes per second and 900MB/s.

The PM971-NVMe SSD will be available in 256GB and 128GB capacities, and is expected to be out not later than this month. Specific OEMs are still unknown but rumors have it that Apple is included, given in the past that they discreetly acquired switch to Samsung units from the original Toshiba SSD module upgrades for its MacBook Air products a couple of years ago.

Samsung's Senior VP of Memory Product Planning and Application Engineering Team Jung-Bae Lee said in a statement that the new product is essential to the progress of high technology.

"The introduction of this small-scale SSD will help global PC companies to make timely launches of slimmer, more stylish computing devices, while offering consumers a more satisfactory computing environment," quotes the website.

Aside from Apple allegedly acquiring the chip for their next flagship products, Gadgets 360 notes that the latest chip is aimed at the upcoming and recently innovated personal computers and ultra-slim laptops, notebooks, and other hybrid devices.

Tagged as the "world's smallest 512GB SSD and the world's smallest NVMe SSD," Samsung claims that it supports random read and write IOPS (input output operations per second) of up to 190K and 150K, respectively.

This innovation could be a huge leap for the world of technology, and the public would not be surprised if the traditional hard drives will now be replaced by tiny but impressive, 512GB chip like Samsung's PM971-NVMe SSD chip.

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