On February 29 the Mobile World Congress held in Barcelona experienced a two-hour demo from Microsoft, which launched the latest edition of its operating system, Windows 8. The Consumer Preview is now available for download on Microsoft’s official Web site. Will it pose a threat to the new iPad?

The latest features of the Windows 8 were showed off by one of Microsoft’s vice presidents, Julie Larson Green. In her demonstration, Green showed how easily one can switch between different applications on a tablet computer and even from devices equipped with Windows application, such as smartphones, PCs and tablets.

Also, Green made a quick demonstration of how the software allows live video to run within an instant messaging application as well. In addition, users will have the option of signing into their Windows account, which will let them connect to all of their information previously stored in an Internet-based cloud. The connection will be available through multiple personal computers and Windows Phones. Last, but not least, users will have access to e-mail and calendars, and bring applications and settings with them when switching PCs.

Though Microsoft did not make a statement regarding the official date of Windows 8 launch, HP indicated that it is already interested in manufacturing a tablet which will incorporate the new software, somewhere before the end of 2012.

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