Finally, the shroud of secrecy will be unveiled and Apple will announce the launch of its latest device, the iPad 3 tablet, on March 7. Still, it appears that the iPad 3 will not be the only device that will be launched at the event, as sources claim that there will be another release, a cheaper 8GB version of the iPad 2.

According to Apple watchers, the unveiling of the cheaper version of previous model, iPad 2, is a marketing strategy to cover a wider price range of the total tablet market, as well as to face off the threat of Microsoft’s Windows 8 launch which, most likely, will be available as soon as possible for tablets too.

Apple is facing a lot of threat in this thin and highly competitive tablet market, since more and more companies are releasing cheaper tablet versions, such as Amazon’s $199 Kindle Fire tablet. This Kindle model has already attracted millions of consumers, especially Android fans. There are also rumors buzzing that the official launch of the iPad 3 will only include 2 versions of the product, the 16GB and the 32GB one. If that’s true, something may have scared off the company into abandoning the 64GB version.

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