During Wednesday's IFA electronic show in Berlin, Huawei launched the much awaited Mate S as their new flagship smartphone. Their announcement not only boosts their standings as the third largest mobile phone maker, it also irks their most outspoken rival, Apple. Apart from the subtle to obvious similarities in design, the Chinese manufacturer also beat Apple to the Force Touch feature, rumored to be a big part of the upcoming iPhone 6s release.
Let's take a look at the specs that has gotten the Cupertino firm grinding its teeth:
Display: 5.5 inches with 1920 x 1080 with Gorilla Glass 4
Operating System: Androi d 5.1.1 Lollipop, EMUI 3.1
Processor: Hisilicon 935 Octa Core; Quad 2.2 GHz and Quad 1.5 GHz
Storage: 32 GB with 3 GB RAM
Camera: 13 MP (rear) dual color-temp LED flashes; 8 MP (front) with LED soft light
Measurement: 149.8 x 75.3 x 7.2 mm and weighs 156 grams.
Available Colors include: Mystic Champagne, Titanium Grey
So what's the deal with Force Touch that's suppose to be an iPhone exclusive? The Force Touch feature makes the phone display pressure-sensitive. The phone senses the difference between a finger and a knuckle tap and adds a whole new slew of functions to the latter. Some examples of the knuckle tapping tech the company demonstrated was drawing an M with your knuckle to launch the music app and a W to launch weather apps.
Huawei repeatedly referred to the iPhone as they demonstrated the Mate S. But being the first to offer the product necessarily make you succesful? Huawei will launch their new flagship smartphone on September 15th in the UK and other European countries. Retail prices will start at £476 for the 32GB version and £513 for the 64GB version.
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