Articles by Staff Reporter

Staff Reporter

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7 Best Slideshow Makers Of 2020

Making a perfect slideshow of old memories is a great way to save your heartwarming moments for a lifetime. When it comes to getting the best free slideshow maker, it is not easy for users to get a program that can meet their requirements. If you are looking for a way to monetize slideshows, then this type of solution will make it easy for you to accomplish it. With these slideshow makers, you can create cool content that can attract, engage, or entertain the audience.

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    5 Industries Benefiting The Most From Cryptocurrency Adoption

    While most literature around investments in crypto revolves around ICOs, gains, 10x returns and so on, we are going to look at some different aspects in this article. Like the internet and software revolution of the 1990s, the next major tech advancement going to hit the world in cryptocurrencies.


    Dating Apps: Are They Good or Bad for You?

    We cannot deny that technology has changed the world. Many people agree that it is for the best, although there are some known cons. Online dating has taken the world by storm over the last decade and the trend shows no signs of stopping anytime soon. The society, especially the millennials, has accepted the culture of using online dating apps owing to the many benefits.

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    3 Ways to Boost SEO for Your Mobile-Friendly Website

    Simply having a mobile-friendly site won't increase your traffic, you have to work on your SEO as well. You can do this by including more relevant keywords, updating your content, and decreasing your site's loading time.

  • Games

    Good Monitors For Video Games

    If you are looking to start gaming on a PC rather than through a console on to your TV, then you may have thought about gaming monitors. There are so many on the market that it can become overwhelming to sit and read through specifications and try and work out what is the best you can get for your budget. Here we have gone through the best gaming monitors you can get for your budget, which will make the choice easier for you.

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    How To Make A Slideshow With Music: A Step By Step Guide

    Music slideshow videos have made video editing and tutorials very easy. Nowadays, every business is trying to make the best slideshows to attract more audience to their business. Slideshows have become a very lucrative way to attract more audiences towards businesses.

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    Methods to Free up Mac’s Disk Space and Improve Performance

    Macbooks are known for their longevity and durability. However, you are still bound to encounter some performance problems. There are a lot of elements that can determine the overall performance of the Mac.


    The Top 10 Phone Tracker Apps of 2020

    For most people, smartphones are the most useful items we carry around with ourselves, and usually, they are also the most expensive. This means that losing our phones represents a huge inconvenience and disruption to our lives, as well as a considerable financial loss.

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    How to Improve WiFi Signal

    Have you ever found yourself huffing and puffing as you wait for YouTube videos to load on your tablet and as social media feeds and emails struggle to refresh on your smartphone? Having a crummy WiFi signal transmitted from your router can heighten your angst, especially if you have no idea how to test WiFi signal strength.

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    How to Get Your Kid Interested in Tech

    An interest in science, math and technology will serve any child well as they grow up and enter high school or post-secondary education. Demand for science and technology skills in the workplace is constant. Even if your child grows up to decide they want to pursue something different, skills like programming are useful in a broad spectrum of industries and the arts.


    How to Create an App That Showcases Your Business

    With more and more people using mobile devices to perform tasks and browse the internet, companies can't afford not to have an app. The convenience of an application will help you to increase your following and grow your business. It's also a great way to communicate with customers more too.

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    Amazon SEO Guide: Positioning Your Product on Amazon

    Looking to improve the sales performance of your product on Amazon? Learn all you need to know about SEO on Amazon in this Article.

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    How to Boost Your Cell Phone Reception

    Do you ever keep losing your network signal and start cursing your carrier? Do you ever keep losing your network signal and start cursing your carrier? Although they may be at fault, it is not always in their hands.

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    The Best Features To Have In A Point Of Sale System For Retail Stores

    Having the right point of sale system for retail stores can make all the difference in terms of success and efficiency. Today’s systems handle more than just payments and sales—they function as an entire retail management system.


    Other Ingenious Uses for Your Seedbox Apart From Torrenting

    A seedbox is a remote server with very high speed used for downloading torrents safely, quickly, and effectively. But then, can it be used for other purposes other than that?

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    Mistakes You Should Avoid When Hiring An App Development Company

    We have all heard the occasional horror story that involves an app developer being given a large chunk of change and asked to devote that money to finishing a project or platform.

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    How Doorstep Loans in the UK Improve Access To Affordable Credit

    Finding affordable credit is a problem for many of the UK's poorest members of society. Millions of people right across the UK are being denied access to credit due to low-income levels or high debt. In the past, they have only had traditional lenders such as high street banks to turn to. But, now, thanks to alternative lenders including leading company NowLoan, the tide is slowly beginning to turn.

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    Is it a good idea to invest your money right now?

    The concept of risk-profile is often discussed in the world of investment, as this determines the precise type of asset class and investment vehicles that you deal in. The economic climate also has a variable impact on investors depending on their risk profile, with those who are averse to risk likely to seek flight during times of socio-economic crisis.

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    How to Manage Your Kids’ Screen Time in The Era of Online Learning

    Parents face a tough dilemma these days. A natural impulse to restrict the amount of time kids spend staring at a screen has become complicated now that schools, camps, and even extracurricular activities are being offered online.

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    UX Design: How to Understand your User

    Incorporating deeper insights into the user's conscious and unconscious behavior into your UX design will set you on the right track to success. Using your clients' data and plotting an extensive journey map will help you improve conversion rates and reduce your retention rates.

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    Don’t Know How to Pass Microsoft 70-410 Exam? Include Exam Dumps in Your Training Routine

    The competition in the IT job market is fierce. IT specialists put efforts to strengthen their skills and differentiate from other candidates when applying for a job in an international company.


    Finding the Best Workout Apps: Want to Work Up a Sweat? Swipe Right

    For many of us, half the battle of getting into shape is simply making it to the gym. That means changing into your workout clothes, pulling your gym bag together, and trekking out to your local exercise hangout. Instead of getting your sweat on, you’re fighting traffic, locker space, and dirty treadmills. It’s far more likely to raise your heart rate from frustration versus a good cardio session. Working out is tough enough. Let’s make it easier by exercising at home. An endless array of online and workout apps are out there to meet your fitness needs. Enjoy a solid CrossFit style workout program or a mind-healing meditation class. All you need is some space to sweat and a commitment to follow through. Check out these fitness apps:

  • How To

    How to Manage Your Kids’ Screen Time in The Era of Online Learning

    Parents face a tough dilemma these days. A natural impulse to restrict the amount of time kids spend staring at a screen has become complicated now that schools, camps, and even extracurricular activities are being offered online. These days, when it’s normal for kids to wind down after school by playing games online or watching YouTube videos, it’s likely that they’ll be doubling up on screen time and spending even less time outside or engaging in hands-on activities. Between essential learning and online fun, parents will see their kids’ screen time sharply increase. How do parents balance it out?

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    Tips on Choosing a Weather API For Your Mobile App

    Climate change is a reality in the 21st century. Temperature fluctuations, high-intensity storms, and hurricanes sweep the world leaving destruction in their wake. As a result, there has been a greater focus on real-time weather updates by satellites, radar stations, and computers. Climate has become a hot topic for individuals globally. In fact, there are a lot of businesses that are directly impacted by weather conditions. A few industries where weather affects business operations are aviation, logistics, agriculture, outdoor sports, and public safety, to name a few.

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    How to Target Facebook and Twitter Ads for VPN Users?

    Effective Facebook and Twitter advertising starts with creating a compelling ad, but you also need to find and target the right audience to show that ad. And if they are using VPN apps, this job can be quite challenging. VPNs are used by people trying to stay anonymous online, prevent spying, and to browse the internet freely. The question is, which audience do you want to reach? And How do you reach them?

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    Using Instagram as a Platform for Selling Your Products

    Instagram announced that it had grown its business community to two million advertisers in September 2017. This was just 6 months after hitting the 1 million advertisers mark earlier in March, the same year. Young consumers depend on the platform to research, discover, and even buzz about products. However, selling on this platform is not simply about posting photos of the products you want to sell.

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    How To Be Productive Working From Home

    Work from home is a kind of lifestyle that most people want to live in. But, it is not as easy as it sounds. It requires a high level of self-discipline in order to be sustainable as well as profitable over time.