Imagine a day when a bioprinter filled with a patient's own cells can be wheeled right to the bedside to treat large wounds or burns by printing skin, layer by layer, to begin the healing process. That day is not far off
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Almost 70 percent of drivers would be willing to install smartphone apps that block texting and browsing according to new QUT research - but only if they can still do hands-free calls and listen to Bluetooth music.
DFor every two mobile apps released, one is a clone of an existing app. However, new research published in the INFORMS journal Information Systems Research shows the success of the original app is not always adversely affected by the creation of clone apps.
Diabetes is prevalent among adults aged 65 and older and can lead to a number of other serious health issues. Maintaining control of blood glucose levels is one of the most important actions diabetics can take to control their illness. New technology is designed to make self-monitoring easier and more accessible than ever before, but often tech products fail to accommodate some older users.
Using the mobile app Babyscripts reduced in-person prenatal care visits while maintaining patient and provider satisfaction, according to research published in JMIR mHealth and uHealthby physician researchers from the George Washington University (GW).
As concerns about privacy increase for people using mobile apps, users' trust, and engagement may hinge on perceptions about how the app uses their data and whether it seeks user input before delivering personalized services, according to researchers. However, their reactions may also depend on how familiar a user is with technology, they added.
Researchers from North Carolina State University have found that including ads in mobile applications (apps) poses privacy and security risks. In a recent study of 100,000 apps in the official Google Play market, researchers noticed that more than half contained so-called ad libraries.
Depression is linked to diminished activity in parts of the brain believed to regulate mood, which previous research suggests may explain
Reserchers find that the country a person lives in is the single most important factor when it comes to influencing the kinds of apps they use
Is This the End for Huawei? US Placed on the Entity List Is This the End for Huawei? US Placed on the Entity List The news that Trump placed Huawei on the list of security threats for the United States circled the globe in an instant and the consequences of this decision are still being assessed as we write this article.
Xiaomi and Oppo are reportedly busy working on getting hold of the right components to, finally, unleash their first foldable phones.
Fans of the upcoming iPhone 8 might have to wait a little longer as recent reports suggest that the next iPhone will have a delayed release.
Google is giving Google Earth a new look and features that will let the users enjoy the planet in a whole new way.