Global sales of tablet computers are expected to surge this year, driven by Apple's market-leading iPad, but also its smaller-format rivals, market research firm IHS reported on Monday, Sept. 17.
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Microsoft seems to be on track to launch Windows 8 in October of 2012. The company describes the new OS as the biggest thing after the launch of Windows 95. October's launch of Windows 8 will also bring along Microsoft's two new tablets called Surface Pro and Surface RT.
A new survey revealed that just 50 percent of smartphone users buy apps, according to a survey from App Developer's Alliance. Android users in particular were described as "cheap" for downloading apps for free, though the behavior seems more widespread than the Android platform.
Zero Devices is known for selling a range of mini PCs designed to run Google's Android operating system. Gadgets include small media center devices, in-car entertainment systems, as well as PC-on-a-stick devices, but the company's next mini PC may be its most powerful.
Popular music-tagging app Shazam, which answered the common question of "what's that song?", revealed that it now boasts 250 million app users, making Shazam one of the top ten most-used apps of all time. The company also announced that users now have the ability to tag television shows.
Apple's new iPhone 5 smartphone has been officially announced, to more fanfare than tech pundits expected after deeming the handset less than revolutionary. At the same event, Apple unveiled the new iTunes 11, potentially a more impressive product. Currently, iTunes has over 450 million accounts, all of which are tied to credit cards, making the service the most commercially successful mobile application known to man.
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a system that uses dashboard-mounted smartphones to help drivers avoid red lights and reduce fuel consumption.
We've been hearing about a so-called post-PC era for several years, but now it seems we finally have some hard evidence. As of this year, PCs are no longer the world's greatest memory chip consumers
Microsoft is in a generous mood, and will reportedly give all 90,000+ of its full-time direct employees known as "Blue Badges" a bunch of freebies, including the company's soon-to-be-launched Surface tablet.
Pre-orders for Apple's next-generation smartphone, the iPhone 5, begin on Sept. 14. After the unveiling on Sept.12, experts and analysts are divided over their first impressions of the iPhone5. However, Sterne Agee analyst Shaw Wu revised the shipping estimates for Apple's iPhone portfolio sales in anticipation of higher consumer demand.
Motorola has unveiled an Android-powered desktop in China. The HMC3260 system, officially dubbed the CloudBB, comes complete with an 18.5-inch LED touch screen, keyboard, and mouse.
Apple did not violate patents owned by Samsung Electronics in making the iPod touch, iPhone and iPad, a judge at the International Trade Commission said in a preliminary ruling on Friday.
Cybercriminals have taken their battle to the next level and are now infecting computers right before they reach the end-consumers. According to a new Microsoft study, several brand-new computers were carrying malware that were loaded before it reaches a customer or end purchaser. This means that the malware is loaded after the product is shipped by the original equipment manufacturer to a distributor, transporter, or reseller.