Skype for Android just reached version 4.0, bringing a completely redesigned app that is much more streamlined than the previous version.

Microsoft's Skype is a very popular service and the Android app boasts an impressive number of fans, with more than 100 million downloads registered.

"Rebuilt from the ground up," the new Skype for Android now sports a complete redesign to bring it more in line with versions on other platforms. The new app brings a cleaner user interface with a focus on conversation, showing the instant messaging (IM) part of Skype in a new light. While previous versions of the app pushed this feature to the side, the new version is "conversation-first" and allows users to navigate through different parts of the app, changing tabs using swipe gestures. The redesign also aims to make the app more reliable and faster.

"We've completely redesigned Skype for Android to be faster and easier - especially when you're trying to fire off a quick message. Everything is at your fingertips," boasts the company in a blog post announcing the big news. "As soon as you open the app, you'll notice the clean new look listing your recent conversations - just tap on one to catch up and reply. When you tap or swipe over to the Contacts or Favorites tabs, tapping on a person brings you right into a messaging window so you can start a conversation. And from there video calls, voice calls and everything else are just one tap away."

"We didn't just give Skype a makeover, we rebuilt it from the ground up to be faster and more reliable," explains Skype, insisting that the new version 4.0 is a whole new app rather than just another update. "We went beyond design and fundamentally changed the way Skype was built, focusing much of our effort on stability, performance and load time."

The company further notes that the new Skype for Android is just the beginning, with more good news to come. More updates will roll out "in the coming months" to make the Android app even more reliable and "mobile-friendly."

Until the next updates, version 4.0 of Skype for Android brings plenty of good changes and is available for download as a free app. In the meantime, check out this video to see the new app in action.

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