Apple has been under the scanner for quite some time after the release of the highly anticipated iOS 6 with a host of bugs also arriving with the new OS refresh, not to mention the faulty and highly criticized Apple Maps feature. However, Apple has now revealed a brand new refresh for the iOS 6 – iOS 6.0.2 – to keep up in a market where Android and Windows Phone 8 (and 7.8) are releasing updates to their operating systems almost every day.
iOS 6.0.2 pretty much takes users down the iOS 6.0.1 road by delivering a number of bug fixes to enhance the overall performance and output of any Apple-based device it has been installed into, with improvements over the previous iOS 6.0.1.
While some of the changes in iOS 6.0.1 tried to address problems with connecting to WiFi networks, especially issues where the WPA2 protocol was in use, the goal wasn’t reached as expected. This was because the problem was that it wasn’t the only situation under which Wi-Fi seemed faulty in iOS 6, and there were other minor reasons as well. However, now iOS 6.0.2 is attempting to address the existent Wi-Fi problems.
Nonetheless, it seems like there is still a bit of problem with the new refresh and its claims of fixing the Wi-Fi as a number of users have reported issues connecting to Apple’s update servers. While sometimes it works, most of the time, a lot of people are seeing error messages.
While Apple states in its official page that iOS 6.0.2: “Fixes a bug that could impact Wi-Fi,” an iMore report says: “Sadly, we keep getting errors when trying to connect to Apple's over-the-air (OTA) software update service, so I can't see exactly what, if anything, is in yet it beyond that.”
To try out the new refresh, users need to go to Settings – General – Software Update on the iPhone 5 or iPad mini, and try to bring about the new changes. The process can also be tried out by tethering via USB to iTunes, although the guys at iMore are still seeing the iOS 6.0.1 even after following the steps.
Note that this update is only for the iPhone 5 and iPad mini and users with an older device need not worry.
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