"Shenmue 3" is an upcoming action-adventure role-playing video game developed by Neilo and YS Net for PlayStation 4 and PC. It has been written, directed and produced by game creator Yu Suzuki. The video game follows the story of Ryo Hazuki, a teenage martial artist whose father was murdered in China in the 1980s. The game started on a Kickstarter campaign so as to fund the third installment of the "Shenmue" franchise. The target was to have a total fund backing of $2 million.

However, Suzuki and his YS Net team have been able to acquire US$6,717,520 as of Feb. 21, with a total of 73,858 backers. Over 26,000 have pledged $29 to $38. This guarantees a digital copy of "Shenmue 3" for PC or PS4 once the game is officially launched. There are numerous other pledges available with appropriate rewards. The developer must also think of allowing PC gamers place a pre-order on "Shenmue 3." This will allow YS Net to gauge the gaming population who wants to play apart from the ones pledging.

This will also allow YS Net to know which regions to focus on for distribution of PC copies at launch. "Shenmue 3" official link is accepting PC pre-orders and sales from PC version will also help in reaching the Stretch Goals. The development team is reportedly shifting its focus on production and research and development for various game elements is underway. Voicing tests with the cast has begun and motion capture tests too are already underway. It has also been revealed that main game scenarios are almost complete.

Suzuki and production team of "Shenmue 3" have made great progress when it comes to events, battles and mini games. It seems they are enjoying the work. "Shenmue 3" does not have a release date yet though it is known that it will come out sometime in December. It will be available in various languages such as English, Japanese, German, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. Stay tuned on Mobile & Apps for more updates on "Shenmue 3," writes iSports Times.

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