The show typically sees Danny Williams, Steve McGarrett and the rest of the team members brainstorming some high-stakes cases. Howbeit, Friday night's "Hawaii Five-0" Season 7 new episode sees the two guys out trying to undertake something different and maybe unusual - the missing sunglasses.
Danny returns to the beach after dipping in the ocean and suddenly realizes that his sunglasses are missing and the investigation gets a bit hilarious when Danny finds the offender but realizes that they are not that really interested in getting the sunglasses back. This could not be the focus of "Hawaii Five-0" Season 7 episode 16 but it's cute to see the two guys having a little bit of funny moment amidst everything else.
Fans will also see the guys spending some relaxing time with their girlfriends in a spa retreat but since this is "Hawaii Five-0," it won't be too surprising for these guys to get distracted by something that gets in the way (all the time) for them to get distracted. It does happen all the time when someone is having a relaxing time, right?
Reports also suggest that although Danny and Steve both get time off from work, the rest of the team will still be assigned to another case - after all, this is "Hawaii Five-0" and criminals don't actually like spending some relaxing time and don't want to cause trouble. This new episode appears to be more romantic than usual although it still has in common with the other episodes in the past.
As for "Hawaii Five-0" Season 7 Valentine's Day episode, it is titled ‘Poniu I Ke Aloha' (Crazy in Love) and fans are going to see both Melissa (Lili Simmons) and Sarah Carter (Lynn). As mentioned above, Danny and Steve have little time off with their girlfriends at a spa.
"Hawaii Five-0" Season 7, Episode 16 Synopsis
"While McGarrett and Danno celebrate Valentine's Day with their girlfriends, the rest of Five-0 investigates the murder of a man taking a class on how to land women."
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