Syfy's "The Magicians," a fantasy TV show based on the book of the same name written by Lev Grossman ("Warp," "Codex") has recently been renewed for a second season which premiered on Jan. 25. Executive producers Sera Gamble ("Supernatural," "Aquarius") and John McNamara ("In Plain Sight") recently talked about the show's second season and what fans can expect from upcoming episodes.
EPs Sera Gamble and John McNamara talked to Collider about how they managed to remain faithful to book while also introducing new elements to "The Magicians" on Syfy. The show has appealed to both readers who enjoyed Lev Grossman's books, and even those who have just seen the show on Syfy.
When asked about what their "biggest challenge or obstacle in adapting the books back in Season 1" were, McNamara answered, "I think the ongoing obstacle is how beautifully Lev writes the world of The Magicians from Quentin's point of view. And how much readers enjoy being inside Quentin's point of view. TV and movies and plays can't really do that." He added that in the show, they break down Quentin's emotions by asking themselves how the can "externalize and dramatize" them.
Gamble shared how they came up with the ending for Season 1, where Julia runs off with the Beast. She said that "Julia's story changed" along the way because even though her storyline happens at the same time as Quentin's in Book 1, it was presented in Book 2 of the series.
The EPs were also asked about Eliot and Margot's reign in Fillory, which was significantly different to what happens in Book 2. McNamara told Collider that he had the main idea that the "children of earth ruling Fillory smacks of imperialism." He also wondered how "the locals feel about that really deep down" since it was not really explored in the books. He came to the conclusion that "the Fillorians must really hate Earth people."
McNamara also revealed that they're almost done with the post-production for the last two episodes of Season 2. Gamble also teased that their plans for Season 3 involve a dragon, and she revealed that "the caco-demon babies" seen in Episode 2 was their way of "running a scientific test on the possibilities for the dragon in the books."
In other news, Den of Geek! revealed that Syfy's "The Magicians" is not closing the door on Brakebills and Earth for the show's second season. Gamble even said that though magicians on Earth are "more sparse," they could still be instrumental when it comes to helping in the fight against the Beast.
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