A number of long-time players are eagerly waiting for the last set of Generation 1 Pokémon to arrive in the "Pokémon Go." Niantic's move towards adding the Generation 2 Pokémon such as the baby Pokémon to the game, indicates that the company has already tried and failed to bring all the Gen 1 Pokémon and has moved to Gen 2.

Fans Hope To See 'Pokemon Go' Legendary Bird Pokémon From Gen 1

While it is interesting to find new Gen 2 Pokémon in the game, a number of long-time fans are still hoping to see the three legendary birds Pokémon in the Gen 1 Pokédex, to come to "Pokémon Go." Though they also miss the large Pokémon characters like Mew and Mewtwo, their hopes to get the original trio of the legendary birds Pokémon- Articuno, Moltres, and Zapdos is higher. However, if Niantic would go in the current direction of bringing in Gen 2 Pokémon, then the Gen 1 birdies may not make it to the game anytime sooner, as reported by Mic.

Ho-oh- The Good Omen Pokémon

At this juncture, there are also speculations if Ho-Oh the rare Bird-type Pokémon from Gold and Silver would arrive at the game. Though Ho-oh was the mascot for Pokémon Gold, it is no legendary bird like the Gen 1 Original trio. But Ho-oh has taken notable presence in the beginning episode of Pokémon anime series. In fact, an appearance of Ho-oh is considered as a sign of good luck and that happiness will be restored after a stormy course of events, as reported by Techtimes.

Will Ho-oh Arrive Before The Legendary Trio?

However, if Ho-oh was to appear earlier than the Legendary Bird Pokémon Trio, it may not be a good sign for Niantic with regards to fans' reaction. This will implicate that Niantic has been completely disorganized in rolling out the game's feature. It may turn out some long-term fans end up being irritated and unhappy. However, everything is just in the speculation stage. Hence, fans can take the information with a grain of salt.

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