WhatsApp for Android beta has reportedly added support for New Unicode 9 emojis, version 2.17.44. While these emojis were made available earlier for iOS 10.2 users, Google has rolled out the same as well in the Android 7.1 Nougat update.
The good news is that whether users have the latest Android operating system or not, the emojis will still be available for all OTHER Android users. According to the Indian Express, the said Unicode 9.0 emojis include facepalm, selfie, pregnant women, shrug, rainbow flag, a mother and son emoji; a father with two kids emoji and a whole lot more.
What's more interesting is that it includes gender diverse emojis as well such as woman athlete, detective, swimmer, weight lifter, surfer and more. In addition, it includes other entertaining emojis like drooling face, lying face, clown face and ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing).
Considering that the new Unicode 9 version 2.17.44 is only available for beta users, those who are not signed up as beta testers will not be able to use these new emojis. It is worth noting that one benefit that beta testers can get from being a WhatsApp beta tester is an early access to its new features even before they are eventually revealed for the general public's use.
For those who wish to become a beta tester, one should go to Play Store and open the WhatsApp Messenger app. From there, one has to scroll down until the very end and find the "Become a beta tester" option, which one has to tap or click to become one.
Additionally, WhatsApp has recently rolled out its latest updates that added new features like GIF support, video calling, and easy call forwarding. Moreover, a recent iOS update of the app enables it to queue messages when an Internet connection is not present. It has also provided a new storage usage screen alongside the ability to share 30 photos or video in one go.
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