"Naruto Shippuden," the anime is schedule to wed two of its major characters. The much-awaited matrimonial ceremony will take place in February.
"Naruto Shippuden" will begin to adapt a different epilogue story from the animated series. This epilogue, which will happen in February, is the ultimate story fans have been longing to witness. The most awaited wedding between Naruto Uzumaki and Hinata Hyuga will be contained in the new animated arc. This will be an adaptation of the 2015 novel, "Konoha Hiden: The Perfect Day for a Wedding."
The highly anticipated "Naruto Shippuden" arc will commence with episode 494, on February 16. It was also set to have a tie-in event with an amusement park. The J-World amusement park will celebrate the beautiful affair with matrimonial lots of treats for fans.
Furthermore, J-World released a poster for the Naruto event, where the cast of the anime, "Naruto Shippuden" are seen wearing formal attire. Naruto and Hinata in the center can be seen in traditional Japanese wedding attire alongside their friends. "Naruto Shippuden's" Sakura Haruno, Sai, Shikamaru Nara, Kiba, among others looked sharp in their formal attires.
It is a fan-based knowledge that Hinata and Naruto got married in the "Naruto Shippuden" franchise. The story established that the pair were married when Kishimoto concluded the manga. According to Comic Book, the film "Naruto: The Last" teased about the wedding including the couple's post-marriage life. With this new "Naruto Shippuden" arc, the fans will finally get to see the event for themselves.
The upcoming "Naruto Shippuden" epilogue story is just of the many tales the anime has adapted. Previously, "Naruto Shippuden" also adapted stories founded on Shikamaru's Story and Sasuke's Story. As soon as these stories end, "Naruto Shippuden" will return to its primary storyline. Fans will finally see the resolution between Naruto and Sasuke's long standing rivalry as their final battle culminates at the end of the story.
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