Lenovo remains tight-lipped about its devices, Moto G5 and Moto G5 Plus, despite leaks and rumors running riot on the Internet. Whether the two mobiles will have a global rollout or not is unknown though latest leaks have confirmed that the Moto G5 Plus has also made a stop at the FCC, after the Moto G5. The Moto G5 series will be 4G LTE compatible in every region it launches. Lenovo and Moto are expected to unveil the two devices at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2017. They have also sent out invites teasing a new phone announcement too.

According to Slash Gear, there is no reason to believe that the Moto G5 and Moto G5 Plus won't be unveiled at the MWC 2017 as both have passed through FCC. Despite several G5 Plus leaks, there has been no official confirmation on its hardware. However, the FCC filing has suggested that the Moto G5 Plus will sport a 5.5-inch display and that kind of confirms the rumors circulating. The FCC report shows the smartphone to be 74mm wide, 150mm tall and having corner-to-corner measurement of 158mm.

Similar to the Moto G4 and G4 Plus camera placement, the Moto G5 Plus camera will be right at the center of the top bezel. It is also expected to come with Turbo Charging function. Meanwhile, according to Tech Times, the new Moto Mods will be designed to add wireless charging or a solar-powered battery to a user's smartphone. The Moto Mods family is undergoing an expansion due to collaboration between Motorola, its parent company Lenovo, Verizon, and Indiegogo.

The Ultimate Moto Z Mod will add wireless charging support. Creator Mike Paukert is also putting forward a functional Moto Mod and an amped-up version, rocking IR emitters. The Moto Mod will ditch the cable and sport pogo pins. Stay tuned on Mobile & Apps for more updates on Motorola Moto G5, G5 Plus and Ultimate Moto Z Mod.

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