The smartphone giants are set to launch their flagship phones in the upcoming months. Samsung will release Galaxy S8 sometime around April. Apple iPhone 8 and Google Pixel 2 are expected to arrive sometime during September and October, respectively. They are obviously posing the biggest competition to each other. Although they will have different unique selling points, a lot of features may be similar for these three phones. A new news in the market suggests a common key component in all three phones. What is this feature?

Galaxy S8, iPhone 8 and Pixel 2 may all have an OLED display. The different advantages of OLED screen are known to the market as well as the users and were also noted in an article featured on DisplayMate. This article also speculated that these flagship phones may all pack OLED display screen. It may so happen that Samsung Display may be hired by all three companies to produce the OLED screens for the upcoming phones on a mass scale.

Samsung Display is doing much better than its competitors in the market. Does this mean that the OLED screens in these phones will be exactly the same? Will they function and display similarly? Well, that may or may not be completely true. In a phone, not just hardware but the software, too, plays an important role. The least that is going to happen is that the OLED screens of Galaxy S8, iPhone 8 and Pixel 2 may all have the same quality as the screen of the Galaxy Note 7.

Before the explosion debacle, the screen of Galaxy Note 7 was touted to have the best display screen amongst all smartphones. According to some news, Galaxy S8 may have a flexible OLED screen which will support DCI-P3. This feature is similar to the iPhone 7 as well as 4K TVs. It may also feature an all screen design and we may encounter a novel screen resolution and aspect ratio.

The iPhone 8 may feature a curved OLED screen with DCI-P3 support and resolution of 2880 X 1440 pixels. The retina display may continue and hence, iPhone 8 may have a large and curved display. Google Pixel 2, on the other hand, is probably continuing with a flat OLED screen and may have similar ratios and resolutions as Google Pixel.

Keep checking MobileNApps for more updates on iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy S8 and Google Pixel 2.

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