"The Batman," Ben Affleck's standalone rendition of the Dark Knight, apparently became a household name after a terrific performance in 2016's "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice." However, something quite drastic was confirmed by the star of the film that could affect the flick in the future.

According to Forbes, it was only mere speculation that Affleck was to step down as the director of "The Batman," but after a massive online stir, the Hollywood powerhouse affirmed that he is, indeed, doing so. Affleck claims to have worked on the screenplay for the movie for a number of months now. However, in terms of directing it, the actor eventually gave in to the problems at hand.

Affleck disclosed that he understands how the character of Batman is one that many fans hold dear; and the actor simply wants to deliver the best possible performance. Affleck admits that he cannot do both parts at their most needed level, and he will require someone to fill in the directorial spot. Nonetheless, Affleck assures that he will stay with the project wholeheartedly and with full commitment.

In the same manner, Warner Bros. clarified that it fully supports Affleck's decision. Nothing is said to have changed relationship-wise and the company believes in the potential of "The Batman" as it comes to fruition. The script remains unseen and undetermined, with Affleck co-writing with Geoff Johns at this point.

Some names, such as Matt Reeves, Matt Ross and even George Miller, have been touted as candidates for the directorial position. As for the stars of the film, Affleck will be joined by the returning Jeremy Irons as Alfred Pennyworth, JK Simmons as Commissioner Jim Gordon and Joe Manganiello as Slade Wilson or Deathstroke, DC Universe's most lethal assassin.

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