OnePlus 3T has advanced charging capabilities as it has a Dash charge support while the Google Pixel XL has the USB-C Power Delivery. The question is, which of these two will charge even faster?
Apparently, a YouTube video has tested the Android smartphones' charging capabilities and the result seems to be pretty interesting. Note that the actual charging time depends on a lot of factors like smartphone configuration, power source, usage during charge and phone settings.
As per Tech Times, the said video shows that after 30 minutes of charing, the Google Pixel XL had only 19 % of battery whereas the OnePlus 3T device showed 57% of battery. Moving on with the test, the Google Pixel XL was connected to the USB-C Belkin 27W car charger while the OnePlus handset was connected to the OnePlus Dash car charger.
The OnePlus 3T smartphone sports a 3,400 mAh battery and the Pixel phone sports a 3,450 mAh battery. Both of the handsets were charged for 30 minutes with the Google Maps app on.
The video apparently asserts the fact that a user can get a day's worth of power with the OnePlus Dash car charger in a single charge. The reason as to why the Dash charger was able to charge the OnePlus 3T smartphone faster is reportedly because it converts the voltage in the adapter to minimize the heat that progressively builds up during the charging process.
Furthermore, a mobile needs certain amount of power for any navigation process. However, this heats up the phone. Unlike the OnePlus 3T, the Google Pixel XL cannot convert the heat, which has kept building up.
The Google Pixel XL starts to normalize the temperature lowering the charging speed. More so, OnePlus 3T Dash charger's internals are made of nickel and copper that guarantees fast charging without building up heat on the wiring system.
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