"Sailor Moon Crystal," a reboot of the 1990s anime "Sailor Moon" based on the manga of the same name by creator Naoko Takeuchi, has officially announced that the show will have a fourth season. Even though fans were divided on the reboot, many are glad that "Sailor Moon Crystal" will have a sequel.

According to Anime News Network, "Sailor Moon Crystal's" official Japanese website made the announcement on Wednesday, Jan. 25. Details about the anime's fourth season are sparse, but more information will surely follow at a later date.

The post from the official "Sailor Moon Crystal" website also revealed that old and new fans can soon purchase the Blu-ray Discs of the original "Sailor Moon" anime which aired from 1992 to 1997. "Sailor Moon" fans can buy "the first of two 23-episode volumes" of the anime's Blu-ray Collection by June 14 this year. Meanwhile. The second volume will be available for purchase on Aug. 9.

The Blu-ray Discs will feature a "high-definition 'upconversion' of the standard-definition material" and the initial release will have "a deluxe cover sleeve." Fans need not worry as "Sailor Moon R" and three other "Sailor Moon" movies will also be available as Blu-ray releases.

"Sailor Moon Crystal's" third season featured a new staff and was about the Death Busters arc (a.k.a. the Infinity Arc). The anime's third season premiered on Tokyo MX in April 2016 and Crunchyroll, Hulu, and Niconico streamed the season. The three online streaming services also streamed season one and two of "Sailor Moon Crystal."

RocketNews24 posits that while the release date for "Sailor Moon Crystal's" fourth season has not been confirmed yet, it is possible that it might air sometime in 2017. This is due to the fact that Japan's winter TV season has already started and that "a spring release seems unlikely."

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