"Moto Z Play" Nougat update is coming soon if the previous releases of "Moto Z" Verizon variant Nougat update last November is to be based on. Aside from that, the Nougat release will be available to Moto Z in February as well, which is just around the corner. Now, it seems like another is on course to get updated as previewed in its software in the Motorola Feedback Network.

"Moto Z Play" is one of the gadgets with lower specs, which is less expensive version of their flagship phone, "Moto Z." According to reports, people in the Feedback Network with the Z Play will have the first-hand experience of the new version and it seems like Motorola is moving fast when it comes to this. In the said email, they inquired the users via an enrollment survey.

Taking part in the survey can be the prospective testers for the said update, however, one requirement is that they should be members of good standing of the Motorola Owners Forum. As of the moment, there is no information on the Verizon-exclusive "Moto Z Play" Droid edition if it will be part of the software testing early preview.

As of the moment, the "Moto Z Play" Nougat update will not show anything different from what its predecessors had. It seems like the update will be arriving in March. Definitely, it is plausible that the update isn't actually Nougat though that is very unlikely. Meanwhile, for Z Play users out there who have received the e-mail, it is up to them if they will take the survey and find about what is keeping Motorola busy right now.

The full text of the e-mail thanked the Motorola Feedback Network first and invited the owners of the "Moto Z Play" to join an early preview of the fresh software launch. Those who got the e-mail are asked to provide feedback. Non-owners of the said Motorola gadget were advised to bear with them and ignore the email.

They also indicated that they want urgent release on the update. Instructions on the survey and how to take part were also included. The links are uniquely tied to the surveys and the email address of the user. Lastly, the users were reminded to treat this with confidentiality and asked testers to not divulge any info in public or private websites.

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