"League of Legends" game is on a roll ast is slowly getting better with latest patches and updates. The newly rolled out patch 7.3 includes Blood Moon skins for champions Talon, Jhin, Twisted Fate, and especially Diana, who has the amazing splash art for her skin. Now, these four champions in the game will be perfect additions to the Blood Moon event and skins because other champions already have some Blood Moon skins such as Yasuo, Kennen, Akali, and more.

In addition, there will be a new game mode called "Hunt of the Blood Moon" that revolves around the game play of assassin and tower diver champions chosen in random. SkinSpotlights from YouTube streamed the game play of the mode recently.

Here are the following splash arts and gameplay with new graphical effects of the Blood Moon skins:

Blood Moon Diana

Blood Moon Jhin

Blood Moon Talon

Blood Moon Twisted Fate

New recalls and effects for the skills

The aforementioned Champions in "League of Legends" present new effects each time they use a skill. Moreover, players will not regret spending some RP (Riot Points) for these skins because it is amazing just like previous Champion skin releases such as Elemental Lux and other skins.

Since Riot releases updates every two weeks, this Patch 7.3 that includes the skins and other Champion changes will be expected. For those who want to see the feedbacks, progress, and RP cost of the Blood Moon skins, they can view it in the General PBE Feedback page from "League of Legends" website.

Champion Changes, buffs, and nerfs

Champion changes, nerfs, and buffs are for Tristana, Ivern, Jayce, Vladimir, Cho'gath, Camille, and Rengar. The details are displayed in PCGamesN's report about the upcoming update. To add some ward skins, the update also includes "Blood Moon Ward" skin.

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