Samsung has launched the company's Music Hub in the U.S., currently available in Europe. The Music Hub is a cloud-based music service, similar to streaming service Spotify.
Pop Herald reported that the launch of the Hub marks a strategy to gain additional customers. The service allows users to save music to the cloud and access it from the cloud itself. Along with radio access, and a music store to buy songs, unlimited streaming is available. However, it's not clear whether users have to pay for unlimited streaming.
Presently, Spotify requires users to pay a subscription for unlimited streaming, or have streaming limited to 10 hours (2.5 hours a week) before being cut off. It also requires the highest tier of the subscription models to use the mobile app; so, Samsung has a definite advantage. The difference is that the Spotify subscription is excellent value for money if it replaces buying music, with a massive music catalog.
Samsung devices supporting the Music Hub include the Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note. Undoubtedly, future Samsung devices, like the Galaxy Note 2, will support the service.
Apple of course offers iTunes across its iDevices for users wanting to buy music, with a 30- to 60-second preview of songs. Individual tracks can be expensive, particularly if new releases; therefore, streaming music for the cost of an album is an attractive option. Google Play or Amazon's music stores are also options. The stores support saving to the cloud.
Since its May 29 launch, the Samsung Galaxy S3 has become an incredibly popular device totaling 10 million sales and is set to outsell the Samsung Galaxy S2. Samsung announced earlier in 2012 20 million S2 units have sold.
The high-end features(despite battery issues and cracked cases) and the almost current software are a compelling combination. It'll be interesting to see how the phone performs around the launch of the iPhone 5, possibly sooner than expected.
Mobile & Apps provided a summary of where to buy the Galaxy S3 around launch and a majority of the deals are still available.
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