Facebook temporarily blocked the access of media outlet Russia Today (RT) to post in its official site. The ban will last until Saturday 10:55 PM Moscow time (2:55 PM EST) and will be extended until the inauguration of the US President-Elect Donald Trump.
The reason behind the ban from Facebook is about copyright dispute. As reported by RT, some outlet broadcasted from President Obama's final press conference was interrupted by a message saying the video might belong to another outlet named Current Time TV. But RT disagrees, claiming that the broadcast was from an Associated Press feed and they are legitimate subscriber of the press.
A screenshot from RT shows that a Facebook message stated that the outlet was banned from posting videos, photos, and shared content to over four million followers of its page in the social network but eventually after 20 hours, Facebook has regained RT's ability to post images, share videos and report live streams.
The situation emerge to be likely an issue of algorithmic copyright bots taking autonomous action, and RT left open that possibility, although it also cried conspiracy in an article about the incident, suggesting the US State Department may be behind the takedown; which Current Time TV is a project of US government-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.
Facebook is looking into reasons behind the temporary block. All the features of RT have been restored, according to The Verge. It's been 12 hours since the block happened, but RT hasn't received any mails from Facebook regarding of the temporary block.
According to News, Media and Publishing on Facebook Group, RT had rights to submit a case or to question Facebook's management system regarding with the block. This is the first time RT has been blocked from posting to Facebook.
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