"Musou Stars" is the upcoming game from Koei Tecmo that features an action-packed theme. Numerous playable characters are revealed with timely updates from Famitsu and Koei Tecmo themselves. This is a good sign because it is leaving a great impression on fans.
Another update was revealed by Famitsu that mentions newer characters will be added to the lineup and roster of playable characters in this hack and slash game. In addition, it includes the said mascot from Koei Tecmo named "Oda Nobunyaga." This samurai cat is cute and cool at the same time. However, fans are wondering why Koei Tecmo and Omega Force included this cat instead of the real Nobunaga himself.
Fun with the Samurai cat
The new characters include Oda Nobunyaga from "Nobunyaga no Yabou," Laegrinna from "Deception IV: Blood Ties," Ii Naotori from "Samurai Warriors," and Lu Bu from "Dynasty Warriors." Many fans are baffled why not the real Nobunaga. However, based on the comments from Gematsu, "Musou Stars" seems to lack more characters that fans love. The game will have multiple endings or a free scenario mode, which players can choose from. Fans still hope that Koei Tecmo will include special characters that impacted the hearts of players from different Koei Tecmo franchise.
Ready for the fervor of battle
From previously revealed characters such as Opoona, Ouka from Toukiden, "Musou Stars" is slowly taking shape and morphing to be ready for its release this March 2 on the PlayStation 4 and PS Vita console. Fans wait for the character trailers of Lu Bu, Laegrinna, Nobunyaga, and Ii Naotora, which will be released some time soon. Popular characters are added such as Hayabusa, Kasumi, Sophie from "Atelier Sophie" and much more. The roster now provides players a wide array of options to fight their way on the battlefield.
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