"A Series of Unfortunate Events" premiered Friday and everyone got hooked to Netflix's new series, which was created by Lemony Snicket. The said show is one of the most anticipated series in Netflix for this year and is right just in time for the weekend so people can binge watch with their family.
The story revolves around a group of siblings with a relative that is trying to lock them in and kill them for the sake of getting all the money and wealth the family has. However, the show is all the more refreshing due to its dark comedy infused in a child-friendly setting. So, people got instantly hooked.
"A Series of Unfortunate Events" is originally a children's book series and it was turned to a film recently. Unfortunately, while the book has a big following, it did not translate to the film as it did not earn as much as it was expected to. The said feature only broke even at the box office.
Now, the attempt for the story to be translated in TV can be a better idea and may be appreciated more by the fans and the audience. This follows the "Game of Thrones" series which people see better at TV rather than the movies.
In the show are amazing, familiar talents such as Neil Patrick Harris who plays Count Olaf. His inclusion in the cast is definitely a brilliant move as he has this humor that everyone can dig in any particular situation, eventually making it all bright and dandy for a TV series.
Netflix invested a lot for the series but not as much considering the big potential coming into the first season that covers four books. Each book is tackled in two episodes where plot lines are fast-paced, dynamic but still efficient without compromising the beauty of the story. Vital moments were captured and the story remains entertaining for all ages - something Netflix has been wanting for their upcoming line-ups.
"A Series of Unfortunate Events" tells the story of the three Baudelaire children - three genius orphans who are supposed to inherit the wealth of their parents who had already died. The three will get their fortune once Violet turns 18.
However, Count Olaf is there, their nearest relative - whom they have to live with. He makes their lives a living hell and the three children have to survive the nightmare of a relative he is. On top of that, he wants to marry Violet and kill their child. Quirky, dark comedy - that is what it's all about. Here is a review of the entire 8-episode series:
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