Lucasfilm Animation's "Star War Rebels" bridges the gaps in the live-action "Star Wars" movies. The animated show's two-part episode "Ghosts of Geonosis" has now tied in the recently released "Rogue One" into the rapidly expanding "Star Wars" franchise.

According to io9, "Ghosts of Geonosis" brought back Forest Whitaker to voice Saw Gerrera, a character that the actor also portrayed in "Rogue One." The article revealed that the latest episodes of "Star Wars Rebels" effectively links the animated series "Attack of the Clones" and "Rogue One."

"Rogue One" featured the Rebels' attempt to steal the plans for the Death Star, and in "Attack of the Clones," it was revealed that the Geonosisan aliens have helped create the battle station. Now, "Ghosts of Geonosis" showed the Rebels traveling to Geonosis, where they find Saw. He has previously disappeared after he went on a mission to find out why the Empire killed all of the Geonosisans.

It was revealed in the "Darth Vader" comic and "Catalyst" book that Darth Vader had the Geonosisans killed because he did not trust them to keep quiet about the Death Star. However, his efforts to wipe out the aliens failed because Saw and the Rebels find a survivor.

When questioned by the Rebels, the Geonosian (who the gang calls Klik Klak) just draws "a circle inside a circle," and they assume that this refers to the egg Klik Klak has which must be brought to a Geonosian queen to repopulate the race. Later on, the Rebels find Imperial poison gas canisters which also look like Klik Klak's drawing. It is possible that in the coming episodes, it will be revealed that this drawing is actually of the Death Star.

In a separate report by Screen Rant, another link was revealed in the form of Rex, another Rebel and surviving Clone soldier who remembers meeting Saw years before. Those who saw the film will see evidence of Saw's extremist tendencies before he separates from the Rebel Alliance in "Rogue One."

However, young Jyn Erso wasn't brought up in the episodes, and neither was Saw's medical problems in the recent "Star Wars" movie. It looks like further along the line, Saw will get into trouble that will cause his injuries seen in the "Rogue One" film.

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