Fans of Priyanka Chopra have been quite disappointed with her blink-and-miss appearance in the upcoming 2017 "Baywatch" movie trailer. The movie features Dwayne Johnson, Zac Efron, and Alexandra Daddario as lifeguards striving to keep the crowds safe from the raging seas. To be launched on 27 May 2017, the movie is inspired by the 90s American drama series starring David Hasselhoff and Pamela Anderson.
Priyanka Chopra has been appreciated globally for her role in the American thriller drama "Quantico", and she's now all set to take down Dwayne Johnson a.k.a "The Rock" in the upcoming 2017 "Baywatch" movie. The actress says the best thing about her Hollywood debut venture is the evil Villian role she got to play in the comedy movie.
While her appearance in the trailer was for merely 4 seconds, her mother Madhu Chopra believes that it is a part of the marketing strategy to keep the best for last. Priyanka Chopra plays a negative role in the movie. From her recent interviews, we know that she'd be playing the role of Victoria Leeds, a super sassy villain who wants to ruin the slow-motion run of the lifeguard group.
The actress stated in an interview with Digital Spy earlier that her role as Victoria Leeds in "Baywatch" is pure evil but it'll also be funny. She also added that Dwayne Johnson is a great guy but Victoria is the meanest person he'd meet. Meanwhile, her mother Madhu says she doesn't bother about the negative comments about Priyanka. She also added that though her role is negative in the "Baywatch" movie, in real life she can never do anything bad.
Priyanka Chopra is currently busy shooting for the second season of "Quantico", which will be rolled out in September, next year. The actress plays Alex Parrish, an FBI recruit in the popular series. The story revolves around her becoming the prime suspect in a terrorist bombing attack in New York's Grand Central Station. It remains to be seen how fans react to her evil role in the comedy movie "Baywatch".
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