"The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series - A New Frontier" has made its debut on the Apple Store and Google Play. The zombie-themed survival game, which is based on the comics, has already released the first two episodes of its third season.

Fans can already download the first episode on the Apple and Google Play stores for the price of $4.99. The second episode, for $0.99, sells as an in-app purchase for a "limited time" only. The game features a new character with the name Javier, who, like many of the characters in this zombie-apocalyptic world, has also lost everything. He will meet Clementine, the girl who survived in the last two seasons.

The recent season of the game has gained quite a number of positive reviews when it comes to the graphics and performance. According to a review in Gizorama, the frame rate of the new game was near perfect with flashier graphics, as well as a less cartoonish look of people and game environment.

The look and feel of "The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series - A New Frontier" are the most cinematic out of the previous seasons so far. "Because there aren't any awkward pauses in action, or the aforementioned brief blank screens between scenes, the director of A New Frontier is able to position his "camera" and direct his "actors" to levels that previously the series could've only hoped to achieve. The opening sequence, in particular, is impressive," said Tyler Nope, a reviewer from Gizorama.

Additionally, the game also succeeded in bringing out a really good story and plot. It introduces new characters and does not leave behind the development of the previous ones, in this case, Clementine.

The addition of the new secondary characters has made the game more interactive, with additional support to the main ones. Although there is not much note on the villain, except for the governor that players met for a number of times, the game has it's share of interesting minor and major characters already. It remains to be seen if the game could keep up with the positive acceptance in the coming episodes, but Telltale should also be preparing for that now.

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