"Steven Universe" Season 4 is currently on a hiatus after airing the episode titled "Three Gems and a Baby" on Cartoon Network. The show will be ending its break on TV through "Stevenbombs," which promise to deliver answers to some of the fans' burning questions. Does this recently released photo hint on Rose Quartz and Pink Diamond's connection?
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"Steven Universe" Season 4 spoilers are hinting on the deeper connection between Pink Diamond and Rose Quartz than what most fans used to believe. As the CN series announced the end of the show's hiatus through the release of new episodes for days (known as "Stevenbombs"), the synopsis for the episodes were also released, reports Den of Geek.
According to the publication, the episode synopsis were quite short, but the show promised to provide fans and viewers with answers to some of their questions. "Steven Universe" Season 4 will be returning on Jan. 30 with two episodes titled "Steven's Dream" and "Adventures in Light Distortion."
The teaser photo for "Steven Universe" also features what appears to be a Palanquin, which bears significance to the show. In previous episodes, the Palanquin was used to carry Blue Diamond, but in the said photo, the Palanquin appears to be pink and surrounded by roses.
This led to speculations that there is a deeper connection between Rose Quartz and Pink Diamond, which will be explored in "Steven Universe" Season 4. The publication also notes on the possibility that the Palanquin will be used to transport the Gems to some other place.
As The Mary Sue recaps, the previous episode of the Cartoon Network series showed Greg and Steven's younger versions. The episode titled "Three Gems and a Baby" offered a glimpse into Greg's life while he was raising Steven as a child.
What do you think is the connection between Rose Quartz and Pink Diamond? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!
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