'Blackberry Mercury' is set to be the latest Smartphone to be launched by the mobile phone company next year. Pegged to be releasing the most promising phones for 2017, Blackberry and Nokia had their fair share of leaks for the past few months. Today, Blackberry Mercury becomes the center of attention after a leak on its design have been revealed. That, along with some very interesting features, made a lot of people excited for the release of the handset.

Blackberry is known for their QWERTY-styled business phones. Their handsets are designed and produced to help people set their schedules straight and organize their business. Fans of the Smartphone would be very pleased to find out that the QWERTY keyboard is back as revealed in the latest photo leak showing a device running on Android Nougat 7.0.

Different from its past leaks, the new Blackberry Mercury leak has some more details that can make it a cut above the rest. This includes a fingerprint scanner which a lot suggest is a key built-in feature for the space bar. There are also identity verification methods and mobile payment versions that are expected to come with the new Blackberry Mercury model.

As of the moment, there is still no word on when Blackberry Mercury will be released. However, it is expected that the new handset will be on the market as early as first half of 2017. Also, no word on how the new line of Blackberry phones will be compatible for mobile games. In the meanwhile, the key specs and features of the said phone are not final yet but this leak may have given the world what could be the new look for the next line of Blackberry phones.

Thrilled for the release of the new Blackberry phones? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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