Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) recently launched its latest product, AMD RyZen, pitting against the top desktop processors in the market today. In the AMD New Horizon event, they announced that their newest 'Zen' processor is targetted to a more efficient and faster experience for desktop users, especially gamers.
How Good is AMD RyZen? It is so good; it answers what is sufficiently lacking in the latest AMD FX line, even topping its most notable model FX-8150. Paling in comparison to its rival Intel products such as i7-6900K, AMD is expecting that RyZen will be the long-awaited desktop processor that is capable of competing for market leadership.
In fact, Dr. Lisa Su, CEO of the AMD group, was optimistic at the launch. "The 'Zen' core at the heart of our RyZen processors is due to the efforts of our engineering design team to deliver next-level experience for high-end PC and workstation users. RyZen processors with SenseMI technology symbolizes the bold and unwavering spirit of innovation which drives AMD."
As reported by Tech Times during the demo event, AMD claimed that RyZen will provide Intel Core i7-6900K legitimate competition as it is equipped with eight cores and 16 threads at a speed of 3.4 GHz.
While there is no talk about the price yet, it is expected that the RyZen will be cheaper, but provides better functionality than the finest Intel products.
AMD RyZen Features, to Rival Intel Core. Here's a review of RyZen specs, features:
Pure Power. With around a hundred embedded sensors, it is built with millivolt-milliwatt accuracy. It is also supported by Infinity Fabric closed-loop control which enables AMD RyZen to minimize energy consumption at similar levels as an "unoptimized silicon.
Precision Booster. With the XFR or Extended Frequency Range that is fully-automated, it boosts the frequencies at sky high Precision Boost limits. It also integrates sensors which are set up, monitored and optimized with clock speeds at a range of as little as 25 mHz and up to1000 times a second.
Artifical Intelligence-Enhanced. The AI brainiac technology network enables it to predict outcomes and allows future decisions based on previous runs, a Neutral Net Prediction feature. Its state-of-the-art learning algorithm is also employed to anticipate the demands of an application. Thus, it gets the data ready in advance.
RyZen Gaming Capacity: What to Expect? AMD RyZen did not disappoint when it comes to video games. During the live demo event, the desktop processor showed promise and if you love playing video games or live streaming, RyZen will impress you. In fact, if you are currently using two computers for streaming, AMD offers you a resolve.
Set to be released in early 2017, AMD RyZen is expected to wow desktop users and gamers alike. Notebook user? Don't fret, the RyZen notebook processors will be released come second half of 2017.
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