Following the disappointing delayed release of Apple's new wireless earphones, which launched alongside the iPhone 7, the company has finally made it available. The release, which is actually just in time for the holiday season, also came with several revisions on the company's warranty policy for the earphones.

Reports have previously stated that one of the main reasons for the apparent delayed release of the AirPods is because of its audio syncing, as well as in finding solutions to deal with customers accidentally losing one of their AirPods or the accompanying charging case. Now, the company has officially announced a seemingly great idea that won't require customers to purchase an entire set just because they lost a piece of their AirPods.

According to the recently published warranty policy on the company's website, customers who lose one of their AirPods can simply buy another piece for just $69. This includes the right earpiece, the left earpiece, and even the charging case itself. As an added bonus to further improve customer satisfaction, the company is also offering free replacements for defective batteries, audio defects, and other malfunctions --- given that the device is still under its one-year warranty. If the device has already exceeded its warranty, users can have the batteries for their AirPods or charging cases replaced for just $49 a piece.

While some consumers are still pretty much hesitant about the product itself, which retails for $159, the added option to purchase separate pieces of the set does make the deal a bit more enticing. Then again, $69 to replace a single piece could go towards buying a relatively cheaper set of new Bluetooth headphones from other manufacturers. It's also worth noting that any type of replacement from Apple is still subjected to tax and a shipping fee of $6.95.

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