Samsung on Wednesday announced the details of Canadian variant of its latest flagship model - the Galaxy S3. The highly-anticipated smartphones is hitting every major network carrier in Canada on June 20, while the U.S. release date and specs of Galaxy S3 are believed to remain unchanged, with T-Mobile on the top of list to release the device first in the country.

As discovered by Phandroid, the Vodafone livestream for Samsung Galaxy S3 launch in Australia reveals that the smartphone is coming to U.S on June 20 making its first stop on its nationwide tour in New York. T-Mobile is likely to be the first carrier to release the device in U.S.

Like the Japanese model of Galaxy S3, the Canadian variant will be packing 2GB of RAM. The quad-core Exynos processor is also gone. To utilize the 4G LTE radios, you will be getting dual-core Snapdragon S4 processor chip clocked at 1.5 GHz. Reportedly, Samsung is also sending its crew to retailers and network service providers on May 30 for intensive training on the upcoming smartphone in Canada. Every major cellular carrier including Rogers, Bell, TELUS and Virgin Mobile will start rolling out the device from June 20.

Samsung hasn't made an official announcement yet about the U.S. variant of Galaxy S3. However, it is guaranteed that the U.S. version will also boast the same specs.

TmoNews reported last week that T-Mobile will release the 16GB and 32GB versions of Galaxy S3 in Blue on June 20, while the Ceramic White model will hit market later, on July 11. It is to be noted that Galaxy S3 also comes in 64GB model which will debut later this year.

The smartphone packs whopping 4.8-inch display with 720p resolution. It sports 8-megapixel rear camera that can capture excellent quality photos with nearly zero shutter lag. Galaxy S3 runs Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich and is loaded up with a bunch of innovative software features like S Voice, Pop-up Play and Smart Stay eye tracking.

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