With the rise of 3D technology and highly interactive 4D programming, it's no surprise that everyone is fast slipping into the virtual reality age. Web giant Google even seems adamant to remain a forerunner in this particular brand of tech, given its recent acquisition of apps from Netflix and HBO Now under its VR headset: the Google Daydream VR.

Google isn't content with stopping there; their latest beta version of Chrome for Android just adopted a WebVR API feature. Google's own Daydream VR headset joins the long list of devices now available for the curious and the truly smitten on virtual reality. The Oculus Rift, Sony PlayStation VR, and Samsung's own Gear VR are just some examples of quality VR headsets that can be bought and owned for the right price.

By including WebVR API support in their latest beta version, Google gives one the option to experience online content in a realistic setting via a VR headset. Before, VR content was mostly optional and purely aesthetical. Users were even asked to just throw on their headsets to view the content and that was it. Pretty cool, very futuresque, but nothing to really write home about.

With the latest update for mobile devices, developers will also get access to pertinent data such as input and output capabilities, headset positioning, orientation, and so on. It may not seem like such a big deal now --- given that VR is still pricey, clunky, and not as mobile as developers would like it to be --- but gathering the said data is a huge step forward towards VR tech improvement and accessibility. It won't be long now before everyone can access VR content that isn't just a video on YouTube and isn't just a first-person shooter game.

VR has the potential for world-changing application as well, especially in the field of science and medicine. But for now, the WebVR API represents a great big leap for VR technology. Many developers also believe that its multi-platform capabilities will soon represent the standard for VR content. If all goes well with mobile, Google is planning to extend the VR support to desktop versions of Chrome.

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