There are tons of new things to discover and places to explore in "World of Final Fantasy." The game also has great post-game content called EX Dungeons, where you will be fighting more powerful bosses. Here's how to get them.

Step One: Beat The Boss Once

Finish one playthrough of the game, where you will face off against the Exnine Knights. When the party successfully defeats the final boss in Castle Exnine, the ending cutscene will play and the ending credits will roll. After that point, you will be prompted to save your game.

Load up your save file. You will find yourself back in the game, and apparently, only Reynn remembers what has happened previously. Now you have the chance to do things differently.

Step Two: Complete New Pleiad Intervention Quests

Head back to Plaza 99 and talk to Serafie there. Serafie will offer you the rumor radar, which will guide you to the next few steps you need to take to get the true ending.

To do that, you would need to complete additional Pleiad Intervention quests, this time getting new powerful Mirages: Levithan (Ancestral Acrimony), Diabolos (When the Past Still Haunts), Odin (A Clash of Swords) and Bahamut (The Demon Dyad Revealed).

Step Three: Complete Vestiges of Life

After acquiring your new companions, head back to Serafie and you will unlock a new mini venture called "Vestiges of Life." Talk to The Girl Who Forgot Her Name to take on this quest. This is also a great opportunity to level up your new Mirages, so get going!

Step Four: Clear Out All Intervention Quests

Now that all the required quests are undertaken, it is still important that you clear out ALL intervention quests before moving on to the final encounter.

Head back to The Girl Who Forgot Her Name and complete any pending Intervention quests, if you have any. After doing this, you will unlock the post-game EX Dungeons.

Make sure to check out our other "World of Final Fantasy" guides.

Source: RPGSite | GameFAQS | Just Push Start

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