Apple launched FaceTime in 2010 along with iPhone 4. It was speculated that the video chatting feature will be functional over 3G network. However, many people were disappointed when they found that FaceTime works on Wi-Fi network only. However, looking at the iOS warning message on the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system, it seems that FaceTime will become functional over cellular networks soon.

As discovered by Romanian Website iDevice [English translation] and publicized by Gizmodo, a warning message pops up on the screen on device running iOS 5.1.1 when user turns off the "Enable 3G" option in Settings notifying - "Disabling 3G will end FaceTime. Are you sure you want to disable 3G?"

The message shows up particularly when user switches off iPhone's 3G during FaceTime call. However, FaceTime call will continue uninterrupted after the error message, despite the fact that 3G has been turned off or on.

This message indicates that Apple might be planning to bring 3G support to the video chatting app. In 2010, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs said that FaceTime is not functional over cellular network but Apple is working with network providers in hopes of providing the video chatting feature over 3G networks.

It was speculated that the third generation iPad will feature FaceTime over cellular networks. But released earlier this year, the new iPad is 4G LTE compatible, but FaceTime is even not functional over the high speed Long Term Evolution networks on it. If Apple enables FaceTime over 3G, we fear that some carriers may block the feature on their respective networks.

Even in case of tethering, Apple introduced the feature on iPhone with iOS 3.0, but AT&T blocked the feature for more than a year until Apple released iOS 4.0. Also tethering is functional over LTE versions of the new iPad on Verizon, while AT&T has yet to enable the feature.

However, at the moment, unlimited data plans are dying and using FaceTime on cellular network is profitable for network carriers. Hence, there are good chances for FaceTime to see light of day this time.

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