"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" rebooted an iconic franchise, and the final scene of Rey and Luke Sywalker sets the stage for Episode 8. Though it is still more than a year and a half away from hitting the theaters, certain spoilers revealed that famous Jedi will get his new power. Moreover, it looks like fans will finally learn the truth about Rey's parents.

According to certain "Star Wars Episode 8" spoilers, Mark Hamill's Luke Skywalker will get a serious upgrade to his powers. Reports suggested that he will have a new power called Force Vision, which enables him to see the future of a Jedi.

According to a Reddit source, a particular scene will show Kylo Ren and Rey having a conversation that Luke does not agree to. Angered, Luke accidentally blows up the Ahch-To hut using the Force.

Moreover, according to Making Star Wars, there will be a training sequence in Episode 8, in which Luke wears a black outfit with a matching black cloak. It seems to be in keeping with what he wore in Return of the Jedi.

According to Daisy Ridley, Mark Hamill's character will continue to be strong in Episode 8, and will take on Kylo's Knights of Ren basically single-handed.

On the other hand, Ridley has reportedly teased and droppes some hints about her character Rey.

"We will see in a year," Ridley teased when Vulture asked if Rey was a Kenobi. "Just sit tight on that question."

"I mean, I think historically it wouldn't work, because she is ... Darth Vader is there ... so she would ultimately be my great-grandma; no, she would be my grandma ... I mean it could happen, especially in a galaxy far, far away," the actress added.

"We're going to make sure that that answer is deeply and profoundly satisfying," Trevorrow said to ET at the BAFTA Awards Season Tea Party earlier this year. "Rey is a character that is important in this universe, not just in the context of The Force Awakens, but in the entire galaxy. She deserves it. We'll make sure that that answer is something that feels like it was something that happened a long time ago, far away, and we're just telling you what happened."

Fans will get to figure out the mystery of Luke Skywalker and Rey's parents more in "Star Wars Episode 8" when it opens on December 15, 2017.

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