"Naruto Shippuden" Episode 438 marks the last episode of the Boyhood Arc, a series of filler episodes about several of the main characters' younger years.

The episode, entitled "Jiraiya and Kakashi," goes back to the two characters' adventures during their childhood.

The first part of the episode tells about Jiraiya, as he sneaks up near a public bathroom to take a peek of naked women. Orochimaru, who's forced to tag along, finds it meaningless and then leaves. Jiraiya later gets caught by an old woman, possibly the bath's manager, and splashes a bucket of hot water at him.

In the next scene, Jiraiya 'tries to save Tsunade' from Orochimaru, disguised as a masked rebel enemy. However, they failed as Tsunade goes for a strong real counterattack. Dumbfounded, she asked them what's happening, but Jiraiya said they're just playing around because of his somewhat-wicked thoughts towards her.

On the final moments of Jiraiya's segment, the three ninjas thought of their dreams while sitting beside a campfire; after which, they were attacked by enemy ninjas. The scene then fades to black.

The second part of Episode 483 is about Kakashi, who regularly cleans the house and prepares food for himself before going to school. A very talented ninja inside and outside the training academy, his teammates Rin and Obito are impressed.

Obito, being jealous of Kakashi, tries to stalk him on his after-school activities. However, Kakashi secretly knows that he's being followed, so he prepared more food for dinner and invited him. Much to Obito's surprise, Rin also appears out of nowhere; after which they ate dinner altogether.

At the final moments of the episode, Kakashi visits the cemetery to pay respects to his deceased father, who took his life after choosing to save his teammates than to finish the mission assigned to him.

The episode, much like the previous episode's review by Anime News Network, seems to be quite slow-paced, and simply describes the characters' daily lives. Fans thought the episode was OK and they somehow enjoyed the trivial parts of it

Next week's highly-anticipated episode, this time featuring Sasuke's adventures, won't be aired until December 1 due to special programming in Japan.

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