"Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2" was just released last October 2016. Based from its prequel game - "Dragon Ball Xenoverse," the game this time features a bigger hub city, additional characters and boss fights, improved visuals and more customizability for the character creation system.
When starting at recently released games especially with MMO genre, the common problem that players face is how to reach the level cap immediately. Cog Incorparated - Dragon Ball Super Content's guide tells us how to do this in the fastest way possible.
When starting out, it is important to play the game's campaign. Not only does it let you relive the scenes from the Anime, it also lets you acquire levels and techniques you'll essentially need on your way to level 80. As you finish the campaign, your level should be around mid 40s which is enough to take on some of the instructor's quests.
Instructor quests
Cog Incorparated - Dragon Ball Super Content suggests that after playing the story, you should do the final quests of instructors Captain Ginyu, Gohan and Videl. These quests give a ton of exp and you can do it as many times as you need.
Captain Ginyu
Captain Ginyu's last quest - Lesson 3 might look hard at first but if you check, you'll only have to battle one enemy on this quest. Sure, the body swap is a pain but if at this point you already finished the campaign then you'll have no trouble beating him. Not to mention his life bar is mostly depleted anyway. Finishing this quest gets you a whooping 8,000+ exp, or depending on your battle skills it could reach 10,000+ exp (it's over 9000!).
Gohan and Videl
Compared to Captain Ginyu, Gohan and Videl's last quest might prove to be a little more difficult because this time you're going to have to face two enemies. Just stick to one enemy first and eventually you'll be able to finish the quest. Finishing this quest will net you 12,000+exp which is better than Captain Ginyu's.
As Cog Incorparated - Dragon Ball Super Content said, it's up to you who's instructor quest you want to farm experience with. When grinding levels like this, it's important to take the amount of time needed to complete the quest and the difficulty of the quest in consideration so you can max out your time to reach the level cap.
With these tips, you'll surely reach level 80 in no time at all. Stay tuned for more guides on "Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2"
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