The fourth installment of the "Digimon Adventure tri." movie, "Loss," is coming up soon. Need a little refresher on the last three movies? Here is a quick rundown of what happened so far.

Spoiler alert! If you have not watched the first three "Digimon Adventure tri." movies and don't want to be spoiled, read at your own risk.

"Digimon Adventure tri. : Reunion"

It's been six years since the DigiDestined entered the Digital World, and three years after the group defeated the fearsome MaloMyotismon. Time has passed, and Taichi "Tai" Kamiya and the rest of the gang have started to lead their own lives as teenagers.

The peace has been disrupted once again, however, as a rampaging Kuwagamon started attacking people downtown. Tai reunites with his Digimon buddy Agumon, and the DigiDestined must act again to defeat the incoming threat. However, Tai hesitates as he witnesses the collateral damage caused by the Digimon fights.

"Digimon Adventure tri. : Determination"

The second movie shows the DigiDestined, sans Joe, try and get together again on a trip to the hot spring inn. Meanwhile, Meicoomon is captured by what appears to be Ken Ichijouji, who has resumed his identity as the Digimon Emperor.

Joe manages to digivolve Gomamon into his Mega level form, Vikemon, while Mimi also manages to digivolve Palmon into her Mega level form, Rosemon. Although the Digimon manage to win the battle against Imperialdramon and return safely, Meicoomon suddenly attacks Leomon, leading to the Digimon's death. Meicoomon then escapes to the Digital World.

"Digimon Adventure tri. : Confession"

The DigiDestined come to terms with Leomon's death and Meicoomon's betrayal. Meiko is the most affected of them all, and she started missing classes due to her depression. Sora explains to her how Tai experienced a similar situation, and points out that Meicoomon will be okay.

After seeing Meicoomon's abrupt transformation and killing of Leomon, Agumon and the other Digimon are kept isolated in Koushiro's office in order to stop the infection from getting to them. Unfortunately, Patamon started showing symptoms of infection.

All three movies are available on Crunchyroll.

The next movie, "Digimon Adventure tri. : Loss," will be shown next year in Japan on Feb. 25.

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