The Android Nougat, also known as Android N, is the latest update from Google for its phone and tablet operating system. Unlike other updates, Google did not wait to announce the Android Nougat at the Google IO 2016. According to the company, they wanted to give an opportunity to the developers to tinker with the update.

Some of the phones like the Nexus already received the free update. The time of the release largely depends on the manufacturer and the device. The LG G5 and the LG V20 could be the first among the LG smartphones to receive the Android N update. Moto users could potentially be the first non-Nexus users to see Android N in 2016 even beating the LG ones.

For the rest of fans, including Samsung, Sony, Motorola, HTC, Xiaomi, and Huawei users, there could be a few months delay after the initial release of the update to experience the new operating system.

Nougat brings a lot of major improvements, usability changes and refinements over the Marshmallow. One of the biggest features of the Android Nougat, as mentioned in Tech Radar, is the multi-window support. This feature is certain to give competition to Apple's iOS and could potentially increase interest in android tablets and smartphones especially from enterprises.

Another feature that was long awaiting in Android has finally been delivered: the split screen mode. The feature works in both landscape and portrait mode. Developers can tinker with app height, although not much in landscape mode. The split screen mode can be activated by long-pressing an app overview.

Notification prioritization has gotten new capabilities with Android N, as reported in the Android authority. Multiple notifications from the same app can be bundled together. Apart from saving space, users can expand them for individual attention or dismiss them en masse.

Another noteworthy feature is quick switching, which is more on shuffling between the two most recent apps. It aids the overall user experience along with multi-window mode especially if you are multitasking or gaming.

Similar to the Chromebooks, the new Nougat update can be downloaded in the background and stored on a different system partition.

Apart from these features, the new Android Nougat definitely speeds up the Android operating system. Hence, users are in for an easier Android experience. More news on this to come.

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