As with almost all video games, final boss fights are always a treat to look forward to. The final boss of "Deus Ex: Mankind Divided" is no push-over, but he is not overly impossible to defeat either.
We won't spoil the name of the final boss for those who have not gotten to this point yet, but we could definitely say that there is more than one way to defeat the final boss in the game. Here are two ways to best the final boss in "Deus Ex: Mankind Divided."
Method One: The Lethal Method
Everyone gets the satisfying feeling of finishing a boss using pure firepower, and our final baddie is no exception.
The final room in the game is pretty spacious, but there are tons of spaces for you to duck and hide from the annoying turrets and drones in the area. All these barricades would definitely work against you, but there is one useful place in the area you can use.
There are vents located all around the room, and what you would like to do is dive into the nearest one and switch back and forth between the vent openings to unload your bullets at him.
There is no specific weapon you should be using, although we recommend using your best weapon against the final boss for maximum firepower. For our run, we used a shotgun, our personal weapon of choice.
Should you run out of ammo, there are tons scattered all around the area, particularly around the right side and the middle of the room. Get out of the vent for a while for a quick loot, avoid getting shot by the drones and turrets, get back in, rinse and repeat.
Method Two: The Non-Lethal Method
For those who are aiming for that Platinum trophy, resorting to non-lethal means is ideal for the final boss, and it is not impossible either, if you've played the previous "Deus Ex" titles
We have covered a bit of this tactic on our Pacifist Trophy Guide, but basically, what you would need to do is take note of the boss' route around the room. He always walks in the same pattern, and there is a particular area that he often walks by.
For this method, you would need EMP Grenades or EMP Mines to stun the bad boy. We recommend using EMP Mines on the same path he is walking by, and once he is down, run towards him with your Glass-Shield Cloak augmentation active.
One melee attack will knock him out and put a quick end his battle. Simple and painless, at least for you.
The EMP mine can be crafted using the materials available on the upper floors, along the left side.
That is how to beat the final boss two different ways in "Deus Ex: Mankind Divided." We recommend doing the second method on the highest difficulty setting to get the "Pacifist" and the "I Never Asked For This" trophies. Good luck!
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