According to the latest rumors, Apple is expected to launch the MacBook Pro 2016 with excellent specs and features. In fact, the laptop will have some major hardware changes along with enhanced software functionalities, also sporting a thinner and lighter design compared to its predecessors.

Technology News Extra reported that the upcoming MacBook Pro installment will consist of four USB Type-C ports in order to provide the users with faster data transfer options. Also, the tech site dished that the new laptop will also consist of Thunderbolt 3 port. There are reports that the new MacBook will sport inbuilt cellular connectivity with 4G, making it a unique device in the whole multimedia industry for providing 4G support.

As far as other specs are concerned, Android Origin reported that the MacBook Pro 2016 will sport 11-inch and 15-inch screens and retina display with 2304 x 1440 resolution. The laptop will reportedly be powered by Intel's upcoming Skylake processor, which will provide enhanced performance with lower power consumption. It is reported to also feature OLED display touch bar, which will replace the physical function keys with Butterfly key mechanism.

Moreover, few rumors hinted that the upcoming installment of MacBook Pro will ditch the 3.5mm headphone jack similar to the forthcoming iPhone models. An improvised battery, which will provide a backup of up to 12 hours, is also expected.

Meanwhile, The Bit Bag reported that the release date of the new MacBook Pro is expected to be set for September 2016. It is stated that Apple is planning to launch the new laptop at the company's technical event along with another high-end device iPhone 7.

The MacBook Pro 2016 is expected to be priced around $3,000.

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