With the Phab 2 Pro smartphones, Lenovo also launched its new range of phones called as Moto Z and Moto Z Force. The China-based manufacturing company unveiled the two devices with Moto Mods and exceptional specs and features at the Lenovo Tech World conference on Thursday.

First Post reported that the Moto Z and Moto Z phones have few specifications in common as in the smartphones consist of Snapdragon 820 processor and fingerprint sensor on the rear panel of the device. It is also reported that the two smartphones support Moto Maker customization feature with Android 6.0.1 Marshmellow operating system and a USB Type-C port. Apart from these features, the two smartphones are reported to be quite diverse in their specs.

According to the reports, Moto Z is being considered as the thinnest smartphone in the world with just 5.2 mm thickness. Irish Examiner reported that the device consists of 5.5-inch Ultra HD AMOLED display with 4 GB RAM. Also, the Moto Z features 32 GB or 64 GB storage with an option for micro SD card. It is also reported that the device has a 13 MP rear camera and 5 MP front camera. Moto Z is also reported to have support for 30 hours of battery life with a 2600mAh battery and Turbo Power charging option.

On the other hand, the Moto Z Force sports the Moto Shatter-Shield technology for its display, claimed India Today. The device consists of 21 MP rear camera with various additional features like optical image stabilization, laser autofocus, and phase detection autofocus.

Meanwhile, USA Today reported that Lenovo also launched Moto Mods for the two devices, which connect to the 16 dots at the rear panel of the device. The Moto Mods are stated to be as the JBL SoundBoost, the Moto Insta-Share Projector and the Power Pack Mods, which are reported to provide up to 22 hours of additional battery life to the smartphones.

The prices of the Moto Z and Moto Z smartphones have not yet been revealed by Lenovo. On the other hand, it is reported that the two new smartphones will be made globally available in September 2016. The reports suggest that in the US, the two devices will be called as Moto Z Droid and Moto Z Force Droid with Verizon Wireless communications as their carrier partner.

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