Although WhatsApp has been insanely famous across the globe with more than a billion active users, yet it has worked primarily on mobile phones. However, this has changed from Wednesday, when WhatsApp has launched its first desktop apps for two different platforms.
Notably, the native app of WhatsApp will be available for Mac OS 10.9 and Windows 8 and upper versions. The apps can be synced with a user account of WhatsApp on the mobile device, once the users have downloaded and scanned the QR code available from the Settings menu, according to Forbes.
"Like WhatsApp Web, our desktop app is simply an extension of your phone: the app mirrors conversations and messages from your mobile device," the company said in a statement. "The app lets you message with friends and family while your phone stays in your pocket."
WhatsApp had made itself available on desktop previously through a web client known as WhatsApp Web. The company launched the service in January 2015, initially for Windows and Android phone users, but added iOS support later on as well.
However, the newest desktop app of WhatsApp offers more support including the ability to use keyboard shortcuts, open messages in a new window as compared to being in a browser.
"Because the app runs natively on your desktop, you'll have support for native desktop notifications, better keyboard shortcuts, and more," WhatsApp said in a blog post Wednesday.
There have been several desktop apps prior to Whatsapp's native desktop app but they have worked as browser extensions, but this is the first time Facebook owned WhatsApp is providing its native solution.
Additionally, WhatsApp's entrance on the desktop could pose a competitive threat to the most known desktop based chat applications like Slack and Skype. Although Slack is primarily used as a workplace tool, and WhatsApp as a family app, yet Skype has been used as both and that can cause issues for other vendors as well.
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