The Chinese start-up OnePlus has celebrated its second birthday on Thursday. And to mark the celebration, the Chinese smartphone manufacturer is releasing a new variant of its recently launched smartphone, the OnePlus X. According to the company's co-founder, Carl Pei, the company is bringing the champagne gold variant of its OnePlus X smartphone to the public. The said device variant will be first made available in Europe. But plans of expanding its launch to the other markets are underway.

Consumers are advised to get one as soon as possible, for the mobile device is set on a first-come-first-serve basis. Those who would like to get the new variant of the OnePlus X should take a note of this on their calendars. Users who live within the EU can already place their orders.

Those with a OnePlus X purchase invitation from the company can buy it any time, or they will have to wait until Tuesday when the champagne variant will be available through the Chinese manufacturer's weekly open sale. The company, however, didn't clarify whether the new OnePlus X champagne gold variant will bear the same price as that of the earlier released variants.

On the other hand, for users who are not within Europe and don't have any invitation, what they can do is wait and in the meantime check the teaser of the behind the scenes of the OnePlus documentary, which is coming next year. This new documentary will be billed "The Untold OnePlus Story."

According to Pei, the short film will be showcasing the start-up's highs and lows and everything that it has been through. Users should be warned though that the documentary and the teaser would be containing some NSFW language. It is advised that conservative viewers should probably prepare themselves or skip watching it altogether.

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